We look forward with great excitement and expectation to what God wants to do through the lives of those who come and spend time at The House of Bread. We are encouraged by the testimonies of both groups and individuals who have encountered God here and have been released into a fresh venture in their lives and in their journeys with God.
If you would like to be a part of what God is doing here at The House of Bread, we would love to invite you to become a friend of The House of Bread.

What does it mean to be a friend of The House of Bread?
Friends can choose to support us in one or more of the following ways:
- praying regularly for what God is doing at The House of Bread and upholding the House of Bread community;
- helping with some of the tasks that need to be done – administration, cleaning, gardening, building, grounds, maintenance;
- giving financially to support daily running costs and major building works (e.g. the renovation of the barn to provide a larger, worship/meeting area and of the forge into more community accommodation);
- additionally, giving to support the spiritual ministry – to honour those who come to put ‘fresh bread’ on the shelves through their teaching and ministry.
As a friend of The House of Bread you will receive our regular news and prayer letter.